Aroma Beam Smart

Regular price $275.00 Sale

Make any large entertaining space within your home smell like a hotel lobby with our Bluetooth-operated Aroma Beam air freshener diffuser. Large hotel chains, boutique hotels, and other commercial businesses worldwide have used the Aroma Beam to enhance their public areas for years, and now you can too! 

AromaBeam™ diffuser holds one Scentsia refill cartridge or Solid Square Wafers, each has up to 30 day performance. 

The Scentsia refills contain our delicately traced dry vapor fragrance formulations, each developed by some of the industry’s leading master perfumers. Each cartridge holds 30 days' worth of pure fragrance formulated to kindle the right response depending on your home occasion or business goals.

Choose from a select array of popular aromas such as Passion Fruit and Melon, Sensational, White Tea, Utopia, Coconut Lemongrass, and Fresh Breeze. We also offer Odorless and End Odors, our fragrance-free options utilizing our Metazene additive for superior, large-area odor control without aroma enhancement. Each